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Мы в соцсетях:
logistic Manager
Резюме № 27043 соискателя работы kamalyan Araksya vladiki на интернет-ресурсе Электронной Службы Занятости Населения Москвы.
Несколько слов от соискателя:
hello . my name is Araqs, I am an Armenian lady that has a long 6+ years of experience in managing and dispatching online , thought the united states . I have always enjoyed my job since it helped open up my mind, made me a smarter and better person to the point where i owned my own call center back in Armenia , ( named it CMX callmax ) but the war condition in my country and the pandemic have forced me to move and leave everything I"ve owned , I consider myself a good soldier in any team, I have been very caring and flexible , reason why i have been able to last in one and same companies for years , Ispeak English just like the locals , with No accent at all, I also speak Spanish : Medium conversational , and I speak Russian medium as well , I am sure I will be one of the biggest roots to promote your company and have my piece of cake afterwards :)